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Date & Time

9 Nov 2023 5 PM - 11 Nov 2023 1 PM


Online Event

About Event

Join us for 11.11 Unified Virtual Experience 2023: Embody Your Ascension - to discover the 3-Steps to New Earth Leadership!

For more detailed information, visit our beautiful website page here: https://1111unified.com/embodyyourascension/
Are you ready for the next chapter of your life, yet you feel you want more support and guidance?

Do you know that you are destined for something greater?

Do you feel that you are meant to be a New Earth Leader, ready to lead by example?

This three-day online Zoom summit offers a unique opportunity to delve into the realms of self-help, awakening, and ascension. High-frequency speakers and experts in their fields will guide you through a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Day 1 (Thurs. 11/09 @ 5-8 pm PST ):
Transmute and Renew: Shedding Old Paradigms for an Empowered Awakening
~How to release and transform outdated belief systems and thought patterns.
~Techniques and practices to let go of past traumas and emotional baggage.
~How to transmute challenges into opportunities for growth and self-empowerment.

Day 2 (Fri. 11/10 @ 5-8 pm PST ):
Awaken Your Inner Potential: Embracing the Journey of Self-Discovery
~Techniques to establish a deeper connection with your spiritual essence and access inner wisdom.
~The stages of awakening and learning how to embrace the process with grace and understanding.
~Your true calling and how to align your life with your soul's mission.

Day 3 (Sat. 11/11 @ 10 am - 1 pm PST):
Ascend to Leadership: Embodying Your True Self for the New Earth
~Leadership qualities that are rooted in authenticity, empathy, and compassion.
~Ways to contribute positively to the collective consciousness and the shift towards a new earth.
~Your potential as a new earth leader and facilitate positive change in your life and the world.
Your guided journey begins by saying YES!

Your Hostess: Anistara Ma Ka, Mother of 11.11 Unified & Ascension Integration Mentor, will present with these 13 Ascension Teachers & Wisdom Keepers.
Shine Kelly & Kristall Onee (Unite)
Debra Giusti (Harmony Connects)
Neil Gaur (Portal to Ascension)
Debbie Gratitude (Unify.org)
Bryan M. Henry (Ascend Academy)
Katrin Lambert (Quantum Transformation)
Michaelah Ivie (Heartnership)
Rev. Devi Grace (Divine Union Foundation)
& Simon Hinton (Light Therapy Revolution)
Katherine Bird (QiGong & Shamanic Alchemist)
Tanjila Islam (Soul Search)
Lee Davy (5D Breathwork)

What’s Included:
Welcome Gift: 11.11 Path to Our Awakening Video
One 3-Hour LIVE Zoom Call Community Experience Each Day (11/9, 11/10, 11/11)
PDF Passionate Playsheets for Each Day (Transmute, Awaken, Ascend)
Membership to Our 11.11 Ascension University Facebook Group (Public)
And get these amazing bonuses!
Exclusive Opportunity to Register for our 11.11 Ascension University Level 1 Course
Collection of All Contributing Speaker's Free Gifts

AWAKEN and ASCEND Portal Pass Bonus: Everything Above+ REPLAYS + BONUS “Ascension Video Vault” (valued at $333).

The Ascension Video Vault is a handpicked selection of some of Anistara's favorite past 11.11 Unified presentations, interviews, panels and music sets!
ASCEND Portal Pass Exclusive Bonus: Receive a 1:1 Ascension Mentorship Session with Anistara (valued at $444).
When you donate, you're not only investing in your transformation but also supporting a community of like-minded souls. Your contribution helps us continue our mission and bring more empowerment and love into the world. Together, we rise.
All donations go to our non-profit Transdimensional Illumination 501(c)3 :"Co-creating Multidimensional Experiences for Our Awakening" !

Portal Pass Information:
FREE Transmute Portal Pass - LIVE Zoom Calls ONLY (on 11/09, 11/10 & 11/11).
Awaken Portal Pass ($33- $77 donation sliding scale) - LIVE zooms & video REPLAYS
BONUS: Unlock our exclusive "Ascension Video Vault".
With 11.11 Unified presentations and interviews with The TwinRay, Elizabeth April, Neil Gaur, Jessica Hadari, Michaelah Ivie, Debra Giusti, Vivianne Chevaut, George P. Kansas, Tracey Trottenberg and the Portal to Ascension Panel!

Sofiah Thom Movement Class! The Hope Meditation!
Sound Healing and Music Sets by: Theo Grace, Ixchel Prisma, AsiRiana Rasa and a YAIMA Virtual Concert Experience!

Ascend Portal Pass ($88- $111 donation sliding scale) - LIVE zooms, video REPLAYS, BONUS: Unlock our exclusive "Ascension Video Vault"

AND an extra special 1:1 ASCENSION MENTORSHIP SESSION WITH ANISTARA, Mother of 11.11 Unified, Ascension Integration Mentor.

For frequently asked questions, return to our summit page and scroll all the way to the bottom.

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